During 2008, our members were pleased to have offered financial support totaling $13,800.00. The most noteworthy of these were contributions to Habitat for Humanity of South Georgian Bay and Grey Bruce totaling $6,505.00 and My Friends House $1,820.00. Financial assistance was also made to local food banks and our annual “peanut butter build” sees REALTORS® from across the region donating jars of peanut butter, to the area food bank. Another mainstay of our fund raising initiatives is an annual golf tournament in support of the Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals and in 2008 our members contributed $4,915.00 to this worthy cause.
REALTORS® in general have become increasingly aware of the acute needs of those less fortunate and have stepped up to help. In Ontario, the REALTORS Care Foundation has been established to assist those less fortunate with their shelter-based needs. Over 85% of the almost 50,000 REALTORS® across the province have committed to funding their Foundation on a monthly basis which includes the support from the 345 members of the Georgian Triangle Real Estate Board. Money provided to the REALTORS Care Foundation ultimately funnels back to the very REALTORS® that are engaged in local fund raising initiatives to support the shelter needs of their respective communities. To date, the Georgian Triangle Real Estate Board has received $16,500 from this foundation which in addition to the monies we have raised on our own, has been given to the local charitable organizations mentioned above.
As we enter 2009 with numerous economic and other uncertainties facing us, active support of organizations within our community that help those in need will be of increasing importance and members of the Georgian Triangle Real Estate Board will again be there to offer their assistance, proving once again that local REALTORS® do more than just sell property.
Having a Yard Sale? Give me a call to borrow my Yard Sale signs, with my compliments!